A chance recommendation from her friend saved Tahyla Newton's life. Tahyla (then 19 years old) was on holiday on Tasmania's east coast when her friend noticed a strange mole on her foot and suggested it might be skin cancer. Tahyla thought it was
28 April 2023
If you're looking for a way to improve the texture and appearance of your skin, dermaplaning may be a viable option. Also called epi-blading, this cosmetic procedure involves using a surgical scalpel to gently remove the outermost layer of dead skin
23 April 2023
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting Australians, with over 1.1 million diagnoses every year, and its incidence has been increasing over the past few decades. While anyone can develop this disease, certain factors increase your
13 April 2023
Have you heard of the Lip Lift? A new trend in dermal filler injections, the Lip Lift (sometimes also called Edge Fillers) can help to give you a wider smile by upturning the corners of your lips!
23 March 2023

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