What is a Melanographer?

At some of our skin cancer clinics, you may notice the option to book your skin check with a Melanographer. So, what is a Melanographer, how does this consultation differ from a skin check delivered by a doctor, and what should you expect?

What is a Melanographer?

With a background in healthcare and additional specialised training in dermoscopy, Melanographers help us to deliver quality patient care and improved outcomes in skin cancer detection and management.

Our Melanographers fulfill a critical role by conducting dermoscopic evaluations of skin lesions to aid in the early detection of skin cancers in low-risk patients.

Melanographers collaborate closely with the doctors at our clinics to conduct some skin checks and to educate patients on skin cancer screening and prevention measures.

This allows us to provide the community with faster and more effective skin cancer care.

What does a Melanographer do?

Melanographers can provide full-body skin checks and spot checks for low-risk patients.

They are trained to examine your skin with a dermatoscope and capture dermal imaging of suspicious lesions. In select centres, they also analyse Total Body Photography comparisons.

If a Melanographer identifies something suspicious on your skin, you will be referred to one of the doctors in our clinic for further review.

What training does a Melanographer have?

Melanographers are highly trained medical professionals with a background in medicine and special qualifications in skin cancer detection.

At minimum, they are required to hold a degree as a Dermal Clinician (Bachelor of Health Science) or a Registered Nurse, and the latter must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA).

Melanographers also complete a Professional Diploma in Dermoscopy program through HealthCert Education (Australia’s leading provider of postgraduate medical education) as well as an intensive 12-week skin lesion training course.

Should I book my check-up with a Melanographer or a doctor?

It’s your choice! Our Melanographer service is ideal for low-risk patients, or for any patients wanting to be seen before their usual doctor’s earliest available appointment.

Not sure what your risk level is? Chat with your doctor about your skin cancer risk at your skin check.

If a skin cancer is identified during your examination, a doctor will take over your care to perform the biopsy, confirm the diagnosis, and provide any treatments or procedures.

How much does a skin check cost with a Melanographer?

Skin cancer checks with a Melanographer cost the same as with a doctor.

As this service is not eligible for a Medicare rebate, you only pay the “gap”, so your out of pocket costs are the same no matter who you book with.

What is a Melanographer?
