This week is National Skin Cancer Action Week - a joint effort by Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists, and wholeheartedly supported by the National Skin Cancer Centres.
23 November 2018
What is melanoma? Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that usually occurs on parts of the body that have been over-exposed to the sun's harmful UV radiation, but can also (rarely) form in areas that have never been exposed to the sun. It is possible
16 November 2018
Skin cancer is the most common cancer affecting Australians, with two in three of us developing the disease by the age of 70. But did you know that most skin cancers are actually preventable? Here is how you can look after your skin health and work
2 November 2018
While most adults understand the importance of using sunscreen and reapplying it regularly, it can be a struggle to put cream on children and keep it there. Proper sunscreen use is especially important for kids, as the majority of sun damage occurs
19 October 2018

Skin Cancer Blog and News | National Skin Cancer Centres | Prevention (12)
