Australia is a nation of beachgoers, surfers, swimmers and sport fanatics. We love the sun. But we also have the highest skin cancer rates in the world.
9 January 2018
We know the age-old message “slip, slop, slap”, but are there other methods of protecting our skin from the sun? Do natural tans, thick hair, or tattoos work in the same way as sunscreen or protective clothing?
2 January 2018
Did you know that most skin cancers develop on the face, with the most cancer-prone area being the eyelids?
26 December 2017
Countless campaigns encourage Australians to stay out of the sun and adopt ‘sun safe’ practices. But why? What actually happens when we get sunburnt?
19 December 2017

Skin Cancer Blog and News | National Skin Cancer Centres | Prevention (16)
