Did you know that you should apply sunscreen before boarding a plane? Dermatologists advise that SPF30+ sunscreen should be worn every day to prevent the signs of ageing and skin cancer, and this is even more important when flying.
30 January 2018
What is the first thing you pack when you are heading to the beach? A towel? Your bathing suit? Perhaps some sunscreen and a hat? A survey has found that beachgoers actually choose their smartphones as the number one item to take to the beach.
16 January 2018
Did you know that there is no such thing as a “healthy tan”? That summer glow is actually a sign that your skin cells are in trauma and trying to protect themselves from more damage.
12 December 2017
The majority of non-melanoma skin cancers are caused by childhood sun exposure, according to a new report led by the University of Sydney and Cancer Council NSW.
5 December 2017

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