If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer before, your doctor may have recommended vitamin B3 to help reduce your risk of recurring cancers. How does vitamin B3 assist with skin cancer prevention?
11 July 2022
How long can we be out in the sun before we experience skin damage? One of our doctors, Dr Helena Rosengren, was recently featured on Townsville's Triple M radio to speak about the important topic of sun exposure and skin cancer checks!
16 June 2022
Did you know that men aged over 55 are at highest risk of skin cancer? In Australia, men are twice more likely than women to develop skin cancer. Unfortunately, men are also less likely to see a doctor about new or changing moles, and they
9 June 2022
As an established authority in skin cancer medicine in Australia, one of our doctors was recently approached by 7News to shed light on “Australia’s national cancer”.
18 May 2022

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