Meet the champions of Armwrestling Australia who joined us in the fight against skin cancer!
27 October 2021
Have you noticed a new freckle on your skin that wasn’t there before? Or maybe a mole has recently changed or grown. Perhaps your loved one pointed out a suspicious lesion which you hadn’t seen before, or maybe something just doesn’t feel right –
8 September 2021
Some of our patients have had skin cancer for a long time. It might have started with a pre-cancerous sunspot on the scalp, then a basal cell carcinoma on the ear, and later a squamous cell carcinoma on the shoulder.
2 September 2021
Did you know that skin cancer can run in the family? If you have a first-degree relative who has been diagnosed with melanoma in their lifetime, you have a 50 per cent greater chance of developing the disease yourself.
25 August 2021

Skin Cancer Blog and News | National Skin Cancer Centres | Skin Cancer (8)
