What is melanoma? Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that usually occurs on parts of the body that have been over-exposed to the sun's harmful UV radiation, but can also (rarely) form in areas that have never been exposed to the sun. It is possible
16 November 2018
If your doctor finds a suspicious spot during your regular skin check, they may need to take a biopsy. That sounds a lot scarier than it actually is, so we have answered some common questions about skin cancer biopsies to put your mind at ease.
5 October 2018
More than 750,000 skin cancers are diagnosed in Australia every year, costing our health system over $500 million annually - the highest cost of all cancers. Most skin cancers can be successfully treated if they're caught early but, if left
24 August 2018
Cancer Council Australia and Melanoma Institute Australia have launched updated clinical guidelines for the treatment of melanoma. Sweeping changes to national medical guidelines for diagnosing and treating melanoma will hopefully prevent many lives
27 July 2018

Skin Cancer Blog and News | National Skin Cancer Centres | Treatment (9)
