Skin checks for your work team at National Skin Cancer Centres

Keep your employees healthy and safe
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, with one life lost every five hours to melanoma.
Around 200 melanomas and 34,000 non-melanoma skin cancers every year are attributed to occupational exposure.
Outdoor workers have up to 10 times higher chance of developing skin cancer. Indoor workers are also at risk because their skin is subjected to intense bouts of sun on weekends and when commuting to and from work. It only takes five sunburns to substantially increase your skin cancer risk.
Regular workplace skin checks help to find these skin cancers early and reduce illness and downtime for your employees.
Skin cancer screening for your workplace
If your team members require time off due to a skin cancer diagnosis, it can cost your business time and money - and it could cost your employee their life. Early detection is vital.
With 20+ clinics across Australia, National Skin Cancer Centres can tailor our comprehensive skin education and skin cancer screening services to suit your workplace and ensure your employees are safe from Australia's most common cancer.
Our doctors combine comprehensive skin cancer screening with the latest total body photography systems to diagnose skin cancer at its earliest stage when it requires less invasive treatment and has the best chance of successful cure.
We can also come to you to provide education on workplace sun safety and skin cancer prevention and early detection.

Your staff can get their skin checked at one of our 20+ clinics
– at a time that suits them.
Our support services
- Dedicated account manager
- Online booking system
- Appointment reminders
- Onsite treatment if required
- Marketing support
- Company report
Standard skin check
- Full-body skin cancer check by a doctor with advanced skin cancer qualifications
- Dermoscopy of whole skin surface and examination of any particular areas of concern
- Education on skin cancer prevention, early detection and sun protection
Premium skin check
- Full-body skin cancer check by a doctor with advanced skin cancer qualifications
- Dermoscopy of whole skin surface and examination of any particular areas of concern
- Total body photography and full-body digital mapping of suspicious lesions
- Education on skin cancer prevention, early detection and sun protection
Why choose National Skin Cancer Centres to keep your workplace safe
Doctors with advanced skin cancer medicine qualifications
Our doctors hold advanced university qualifications in skin cancer medicine and regularly undergo professional development training to ensure they are always up to date with the latest knowledge in skin cancer care. We diagnose and treat skin cancers all day, every day. It's all we do.
Australia-wide service across 20+ dedicated clinics
Our purpose-built amenities feature the latest technology for the early diagnosis of skin malignancies. Our skin cancer clinics are equipped with dedicated exam rooms and operating theatres to facilitate the highest standard in skin cancer care. We are also referral and teaching centres for GPs.
World-class imaging technology & LED wound care
We use revolutionary full-body skin imaging to take a series of digital images of the whole skin surface to easily identify new and changed moles for early and accurate skin cancer detection. Our clinics also use advanced LED light therapy for wound healing to enhance outcomes and optimise healing after skin cancer procedures.
Onsite and virtual workplace education sessions
To help keep your employees safe, our experienced team can also come to you to provide an education session (free of charge) to share our knowledge about skin cancer prevention, early detection, and sun safety in the workplace. This session can also be delivered online or pre-recorded.
Contact us for a quote
Frequently asked questions
Who needs a skin check?
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, with over 1 million skin cancers treated every year. Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they retire from work.
Melanoma is the most common cancer affecting working-age Australians aged 15 to 39.
It is recommended that all Australian adults get a skin cancer check once every year, or more often if their doctor determines they are at higher risk.
It is never too late to start.
What is the purpose of a skin check?
A skin cancer check with dermoscopy allows the doctor to see beneath the surface of the skin and identify any changes in the skin cells which may indicate skin cancer. These changes often aren't visible to the naked eye. The earlier these changes are identified, the earlier the skin cancer can be diagnosed and the less invasive and expensive the treatment becomes.
A skin cancer check could save your life.
What happens during a full skin cancer check?
A skin cancer check is a full-body skin examination and assessment of your skin from head to toe.
The doctor will thoroughly inspect your skin and examine any moles, freckles or bumps. Your skin will first be examined with a dermatoscope, which is a special skin microscope, which allows the doctor to see beneath the skin to make a decision regarding a suspicious skin lesion or mole. The examination is completely painless. If the doctor finds a suspicious spot, they might take a photograph to be recorded and analysed, and they might take a biopsy which is a sample of the skin.
Total body photography is recommended for some patient groups for early and accurate skin cancer diagnosis. In some clinics, this service is automatically included as part of your full-body skin cancer check.
Who is at risk of skin cancer?
Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world, with over one million skin cancers treated each year - more than 100 every hour! People living in Australia may be at even higher risk if they:
- Have had skin cancer before
- Have a family history of melanoma
- Have lots of moles
- Have fair skin or fair hair
- Have blue or green eyes
- Are aged over 40
- Work outdoors or regularly enjoy outdoor activities
- Have ever been severely sunburnt
- Have ever used a solarium (tanning bed)
- Are male
Anyone who regularly works outdoors is at higher risk, including:
- farmers
- agriculture and horticulture workers
- gardeners and landscapers
- painters
- plumbers
- handypersons
- electrical and communications workers
- drivers and machine operators
construction workers - engineers
- mining workers
- carpenters
- roofers and scaffolders
- emergency workers
- passenger transport workers
- PE teachers and fitness instructors
- lifeguards
- fishermen and marine workers
- road and council workers
- civil contractors
- warehouse workers
How often should you get a skin check?
Full-body skin cancer checks should be carried out with a professional trained in skin cancer medicine at least once a year. If you require less or more frequent skin checks, your doctor will let you know. This is based on your individual skin cancer risk, which is determined by your family and personal history, skin type, sunburn history, where you work, where you live, your age, your gender, your hair and eye colour, and other factors.