Our range of peels address different skin concerns to help refine, resurface, restore or rejuvenate your skin.

Rejuvenate your skin with lasting results
Medi-aesthetic or chemical peels improve the skin's upper layers by inducing a healing effect as damaged layers of skin are replaced by healthy ones. We offer a range of peels for different skin concerns including pigmentation, acne and skin ageing, helping to refine, resurface, restore or rejuvenate your skin.
Anti-ageing peel: This peel, delivered in a recommended series of six treatments, results in a fresher, smoother appearance to the skin.
Acne peel: Particularly useful for acne-prone or oily skin, this peel is very effective for improving the appearance of blackheads and pores as it gets into the oil gland and clears the plug. It is a relatively mild peel with scaling and redness only continuing for a few days afterwards.
Pigmentation peel: This deep peel results in peeling that can last for 10 to 14 days to treat sun-damage, pigmentation, freckles, fine lines, acne scarring, and age spots.
DMK medical skin peel: A progressive six-eight week peel to re-energise sluggish skin and improve skin tone and texture, ideal for people with darker skin or prone to hyperpigmentation. This peel is only available at our centre in Devonport, the Tasmanian Skin Clinic.
Chemical peels are ideal for:
Fine lines and wrinkles
Ingrown hairs
Blotchy pigmentation
Skin spots
Sallow complexion
Dry skin

Benefits of chemical peels

Peels for various skin concerns
We have a range of medi-peels designed to address specific skin concerns including acne, pigmentation and signs of ageing.

Predictable results for healthy skin
We use acid substances rather than alkali substances in our chemical peels as they produce controlled, predictable peeling, promote skin cell turnover and encourage regeneration and repair.

The ideal pick-me-up
Even if your skin is pristine and you just need a quick pick-me-up, a light peel can be beneficial to achieve a refreshed complexion.
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How do chemical peels work?
Peels improve the skin's upper layers by inducing a healing effect as damaged layers of the skin are replaced by healthy ones.
Chemical peels are usually divided into superficial, medium or deep. Younger patients with acne-prone skin, multiple blackheads, blocked pores, mild freckling or lighter skin usually benefit from a superficial peel.
Medium to deeper medi-peels are better for older patients with thicker, sun damaged skin, who benefit from a stronger peel that exfoliates all the superficial layers of the skin and stimulates collagen production.
Book an appointment for a chemical peel at a skin clinic near you
DMK medical skin peel
DMK medical skin peel helps to re-energise sluggish, tired skin, while improving the function of the new skin. It gradually works to resurface the skin by removing old, damaged cells and uneven, sun-damaged skin over six to eight weeks. It is good for hyperpigmentation, thickened/uneven textured skin, congestion and open pores, or just for a nice refresh. This peel is only available at our centre in Devonport, the Tasmanian Skin Clinic.

Peels from $95
Please enquire at your preferred clinic location for a customised quote tailored to your specific skin needs and goals.
We offer complimentary consultations, bundle savings, and AfterPay* options for your convenience.
*At select clinics.
Frequently asked questions
What are the types of chemical peels?
Peels are usually divided into superficial, medium or deep. Medium to deeper peels are better for older patients with thicker, sun damaged skin. These patients benefit from a stronger peel that exfoliates all the superficial layers of the skin and stimulates the dermis to produce more collagen. Deeper peels have a better result but are more prone to complications. Younger patients with acne-prone skin, multiple blackheads, blocked pores, mild freckling or lighter skin usually benefit from a salicylate peel.
What should I be aware of before getting a chemical peel?
Prior to undergoing a medi-aesthetic peel:
- Skin should be free of all open wounds and cold sores
- Let us know if you are prone to cold sores, as it is advisable to take a course of antiviral medications prior, during and after recovery
- Please let us know if you are currently taking Roaccutane
- Stop smoking prior to undergoing any form of peel at least two weeks prior to treatment
- Antibiotics should be commenced one day prior to a medium/deeper peel
- Keep skin free of make up on the day of your peel
- Stay out of the sun prior to treatment
- Do not apply home exfoliating treatments one week prior to treatment.
What happens after a chemical peel?
With superficial peels, most patients see mild improvement in their skin within 24 hours. Skin can feel dry a few days later, so it is wise to apply moisturiser. Results take a few more days with a deeper peel, but after the necessary recovery period the skin looks healthier and blemish-free.
Superficial peels are best done as a series of six every three to four weeks. Medium depth TCA peels can be done once to twice a year.
How can I optimise my results after a medi-peel?
For maximum results with your medi-aesthetic peel treatment, pre-treat your skin with microdermabrasion and add a LED light therapy treatment to accelerate healing.
How long will a chemical peel last?
The durability of your results following a chemical peel will depend on what type of peel you had and what skin concern you treated. The effects of a light or superficial peel can last one to two months, while a medium peel may last two to six months, and a deeper peel may last forever if you follow careful a skincare routine and use sun protection.
Is a chemical peel good for skin?
Yes, a chemical medi-peel is a great way to optimise your skin health and improve your appearance while treating certain skin conditions.
What does a chemical peel do for you?
Chemical peels are ideal for anti-ageing, acne, pigmentation, and skin texture.
Available in
New South Wales
Central Coast (Terrigal)
Western Australia
West Leederville
Melbourne (Officer)
Hobart (New Town)
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