Jett Plasma
A non-surgical lift for tired, saggy eyes for firmer and re-hydrated skin.

Lift & lighten droopy eyelids and tighten wrinkles & lines
Jett Plasma is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that kick-starts the natural production of collagen, helping to promote overall skin rejuvenation and tighten the skin, particularly for treating heavy or droopy eyelids, leading to a healthier and younger appearance.
The Jett Plasma Lift uses a revolutionary hot plasma treatment to stimulate the skin’s cell membranes, rehydrating the skin and making it firmer. This creates an immediate skin tightening effect and boosts the production of collagen which lifts droopy eyelids and reduces the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles.
Jett Plasma is ideal for treating:
Sagging in the upper and lower eye areas
Shallow and deep wrinkles
Lip lines and smile lines
Acne scars
Pigmented spots
Non-cancerous growths
Small protuberances

Benefits of Jett Plasma skin tightening

Treat heavy eyelids & under-eye bags
Jett Plasma is one of the few treatments safe and effective for use around the eyes, helping to lift and tighten droopy eyelids and remove dark under-eye circles.

Tighten & lift skin without surgery
Achieve a non-surgical facelift with just one treatment, leaving your skin looking young and healthy! Enhanced collagen production helps to sustain results for many months to come.

Safe therapy using natural healing processes
Jett Plasma stimulates your body’s natural healing response to safely tighten and refresh skin cells without chemicals and with minimal side effects.
Book an appointment for Jett Plasma skin tightening at a skin clinic near you

How does Jett Plasma work?
The Jett Plasma device releases a small electrical charge with plasma gas through a small probe which does not touch the skin. The charge concentrates heat in the treatment area which causes superficial trauma in the skin's connective tissue and stimulates the cells to react and tighten. The body’s natural healing response kicks in, promoting the production of collagen which heals and tightens the skin. This process gives the skin a more youthful, fresh appearance.
What to expect after Jett Plasma treatment
Initially, the treated area will appear swollen and raw while the skin naturally forms a crust. Once this crust has fallen off, patients will start to see the results, which will improve for around 3-4 weeks. The therapy takes from 60 minutes (including time for the numbing cream to take effect), depending on the size of the treatment area.
Because the Jett Plasma uses heat on treatment areas, it can cause some temporary discomfort. Your doctor may use a local or topical anaesthetic for comfort.
Following pre and post-treatment care guidelines will help optimise your results. Our dermal clinicians will walk you through any contraindications or side-effects that might affect you.
What happens after the procedure?
Since Jett Plasma produces slight redness and crusting of the skin, daily aftercare is essential. The recovery time may vary from patient to patient, depending on how aggressive the treatment is and how well the skin is looked after prior to treatment. If at any time you are concerned about the healing of the area treated, be sure to contact us at the clinic.
The following high standards of hygiene must be implemented at all times:
- Wash hands thoroughly before gently washing and or moisturising the treated skin area
- Wash treated area using only lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser with no active ingredients for five days post-procedure
- Avoid direct sun exposure to treated area for 72 hours
- Avoid any active skin care in treated area for 48 hours
- Avoid any retinol in area for 10 days
- Try to avoid touching the treated area as much as possible
- At all times avoid scratching, picking and feeling the skin as this may result in scarring or infection
- Do not apply makeup to treated area for 48 hours post-treatment
- Avoid strenuous exercise or anything that may make you perspire in the first 48 hours
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours post
- For pain take paracetamol (Panadol) but only the recommended dose
Book an appointment for Jett Plasma skin tightening at a skin clinic near you
Frequently asked questions
How long does Jett Plasma take?
The therapy takes from 60 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the size of the treatment area, including time for the numbing cream to take effect (30 minutes).
Is Jett Plasma painful?
Some patients may feel some discomfort, depending on the treatment area. Topical anaesthetic is used on most areas, and local anaesthetic is used on some areas like the lips and eyes.
When will I see results from Jett Plasma and how many treatments do I need? How long does Jett Plasma last?
Initially, the treated area will appear swollen and raw while the skin naturally forms a crust. Once this crust has fallen off, patients will start to see the results, which will improve for around 3-4 weeks once the collagen and connective tissue have had a chance to grow.
Most patients only need one treatment, but some opt for 2-3 sessions to optimise results. The treatment can be repeated after the skin has fully regenerated (6-8 weeks).
Results can last for 2-4 years, depending on the treatment area. The ageing process is continuous, and some wrinkles can recur quickly due to constant use of facial muscles.
How much downtime do I need after Jett Plasma?
Jett Plasma skin tightening is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment. The procedure causes redness, swelling and a brown “crust” in the treatment area which may persist for up to 8 days, so some patients consider taking around a week of downtime. This is a personal preference and is different for everyone.
What are the side effects of Jett Plasma skin tightening?
For around a week after your Jett Plasma treatment, you will experience swelling, redness, skin colour changes and crusting. These are normal side effects that indicate the skin tightening therapy is working.
This procedure is quite safe when performed by an experienced medical professional.