Use the healing powers of your own blood to naturally rejuvenate your skin, stimulate cell growth and improve skin texture.

All-natural rejuvenation
‘Liquid Gold’ therapy is a ground-breaking non-surgical procedure for facial and skin rejuvenation. The treatment uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth, improve your skin texture and restore lost facial volume through the growth factors that blood platelets are known to contain.
A small sample of your blood is processed in a specialised system designed to extract the plasma which is then inserted into the areas that require tissue remodelling and rejuvenation.
Autologous 'Liquid Gold' therapy is the ideal treatment for:
Tired and dry skin
Uneven skin tone
Wrinkles and lines on the neck and décolletage
Lax skin
Dark circles around the eyes
Hair thinning
Hair rejuvenation

Benefits of Liquid Gold therapy

Natural skin rejuvenation
As the product is made up of your own blood, there is little risk of rejection or allergic reaction. You are using your natural resources to repair and improve skin tissue.

Repair your skin
‘Liquid Gold’ therapy helps to even out your skin tone, reduce wrinkles and lines, and produce a healthier, refreshed complexion.

Tighten lax skin
Restore elasticity in your face, neck and décolletage for a more youthful appearance.
Book an appointment for Liquid Gold therapy at a skin clinic near you

How does a Liquid Gold Facelift work?
Autologous ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy involves using a small sample of your own blood! Your blood is processed in a special system designed to extract the plasma which has amazing natural healing properties. This plasma is then inserted into areas requiring tissue remodelling and rejuvenation. It is also great to stop and prevent hair thinning. As the product is made up of your own blood, there is little risk of rejection or allergic reaction. You are using your natural resources to repair and improve skin tissue on your face, neck, décolletage or hands.
Book an appointment for Liquid Gold therapy at a skin clinic near you
A full consultation is required with your doctor to decide if the Liquid Gold Facelift is the right treatment for you. For optimal results and to decrease the chance of bruising at the draw site, please avoid all blood thinning medications and herbal supplements for one week prior to your
appointment, including:
- Green tea and garlic
- St John's Wort
- Vitamin E and fish oils
- Evening primrose oil
- Gingko Biloba
- Echinacea
- Nurofen, Voltaren and Aspirin
(after consulting your GP
After the initial 2-3 treatments carried out monthly, your skin will continue to improve over the next few months with increased thickening of the skin and improved hydration. A maintenance treatment is recommended every 12 months. Results are dependent on your overall health and nutrition. Remember that smoking and alcohol consumption can shorten the life of cells.
- Avoid alcohol consumption for a minimum of 6 hours and refrain from taking blood thinners such
as Aspirin and NSAIDS for several days. Tylenol is recommended if needed for discomfort. - Avoid touching or scrubbing at the treatment sites for 24 hours after treatment.
- Sleep on your back with your head elevated and avoid rubbing the treated area for 2 weeks.
- Avoid direct high heat (blow dryer, sun exposure, sauna, steam room, very hot shower, hot yoga,
strenuous exercise, etc.) for 24 hours after treatment. - Make-up may be applied 48 hours after the treatment if desired.
- No facials, facial massages, or laser treatments for 2 weeks. muscle relaxants may be
administered 48 hours before or later,
Following pre- and post-treatment care guidelines will help optimise your results. Your clinician will walk you through any contraindications or side-effects that might impact you. The insertion of plasma is very safe because the substance is derived from your own blood. There are no preservatives used in plasma so there is no chance of your body rejecting the cells. Thus, no allergy testing is required.
The primary risks and discomforts are related to the blood draw, including a slight pinch related to the insertion and possible bruising at the blood draw site. Those reactions usually pass in a day or two.
Other risks or side effects are generally temporary. These may include, but are not limited to:
- Needle marks which are not unusual and resolve quickly or within a few days.
- Bruising for up to 7-14 days which can be covered up with make-up 48 hours post-treatment. Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Ibuprofen), blood thinners, herbal supplements, vitamin E and fish oil for at least one week prior to the Liquid Gold Facelift to minimise bruising risk.
- Itching is not common, but if occurs, is temporary and may be treated with over-the-counter antihistamines.
- Lumps / bumps and tenderness generally subside within a few days to a couple of weeks.
- Infection is extremely rare, but if occurs, may require treatment including topical and/or oral antibiotics.
Pricing upon consultation. Please enquire at your preferred clinic location for a customised quote tailored to your specific skin needs and goals.
We offer complimentary consultations, bundle savings, and AfterPay options for your convenience.
Frequently asked questions
What are the side effects and risks of ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy?
As the ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy injectables are made up of your own blood, there is little risk of rejection or allergic reaction. You are using your natural resources to repair and improve skin tissue.
You may feel a tingling sensation after the Liquid Gold Facelift procedure. Your skin texture will respond as new tissue cells grow.
When will I see results from ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy and how long will the results last?
Visible results from ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy may take three to six weeks and continue for up to six months. The result of the treatment will depend on overall health, age, dietary variations, and other health factors including your unique skin type. It is not uncommon to have bruising at the treatment sites for up to a week following Liquid Gold Facelift treatment.
What should I be aware of before receiving ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy treatment?
- your health and lifestyle
- platelet dysfunction syndrome
- critical thrombocytopenia
- hypofibrinogenemia
- haemodynamic instability
- sepsis
- acute and chronic infections
- chronic live pathology
- anticoagulation therapy (warfarin)
- skin disease or cancer
- several metabolic and systemic disorders
How can I optimise my results from ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy?
For best results, combine ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy with skin needling and LED light therapy. Skin needling helps to spread the plasma under the skin as the needles make hundreds of tiny perforations in the skin’s outer layer, further improving the skin surface. LED light therapy helps to soothe the skin, minimising bruising and reducing redness.
Who will perform my ‘Liquid Gold’ therapy treatment?
‘Liquid Gold’ therapy treatments are strictly delivered by our experienced team of dermal clinicians, including Aesthetic Doctors and degree-certified Aesthetic Nurses and Dermal Therapists. Our team hold certifications specifically focused in aesthetic medicine and are very experienced in delivering these treatments, with patient safety and expectations as our top priority.
How painful is a 'Liquid Gold' facelift?
While the procedure is not painless, our patients usually experience minimal discomfort during a 'Liquid Gold' facelift, as we can help alleviate pain with topical numbing creams and cooling pads. It is the same experience as muscle relaxants or volume replacement.
Available in
New South Wales
Central Coast (Terrigal)
Hobart (New Town)
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